$10 million Tassie agri-tech injection
A system of sensors and some tricky engineering will give Tasmanian farmers a leg-up on nature, following a $10 million Federal Government spend.
A program to combine data from a state-wide array of sensors and graphs for climate and other conditions has been launched. Regional Development Minister Anthony Albanese has announced The Sense-T program funding of $10 million. Tasmania’s Innovation Minister said the high-tech initiative would bring great benefits to the farming and aquaculture sectors, which rely so heavily on sometimes finicky cycles of nature.
Jan Davis from the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association welcomed the commitment to the program, saying it is already being used by farmers, "Sense-T is a really exciting new set of technologies that enable farmers to use real-time data from a whole bunch of different places to make decisions on farm."
Tasmanian farmers can now enjoy the full range of available data when making the crucial decision on when to harvest.