The NSW Government is inviting Aboriginal communities to contribute their perspectives on water management for the state’s new Aboriginal Water Strategy. 

This initiative aims to enhance Aboriginal participation in water-related decision-making processes, providing increased access and ownership for cultural and economic benefits.

The draft strategy, formulated over five years, involved extensive consultations, workshops, and interviews with Aboriginal community members, Traditional Owners, Custodians, and various NSW Government departments. 

Eleven Aboriginal peak bodies and 14 Regional Aboriginal Water Committees contributed significantly to developing the draft objectives and actions.

The draft strategy focuses on six core principles: culture, health and well-being, caring for Country, meaningful engagement, economic benefit, and shared cultural and environmental benefits. 

The state says Aboriginal cultural rights and perspectives must be integrated into water management.

The NSW Government is now seeking feedback through various engagement workshops, both in person and online, to ensure the proposed actions and commitments align with the community's needs and expectations. 

More details and a feedback portal are accessible here.