The Queensland Government has established a statewide independent Commission of Inquiry to forensically examine the 2011 flood disaster.


Amongst other items, the Commission will inquire and report on:

  • the implementation of the systems operation plans for dams across the state; and
  • in particular the Wivenhoe and Somerset release strategy, and an assessment of compliance with, and the suitability of the operational procedures relating to flood mitigation and dam safety.

On 7 March 2011, the Department of Environment and Resource Management released Seqwater’s Report  report on the operation of Somerset and Wivenhoe dams during the January 2011 flood event.


The submission of this report by Seqwater to the Department is a requirement of the Manual of Operational Procedures for Flood Mitigation at Wivenhoe and Somerset Dam.


The Seqwater report addresses its compliance with the Flood Mitigation Manual for Wivenhoe and Somerset dams and the scope for potential changes in dam operational arrangements related to flood mitigation.


The report includes Seqwater’s assessment of the significance of the January 2011 Flood Event, Seqwater’s operational response during the event and Seqwater’s assessment of its compliance with the manual and the effectiveness of monitoring, modelling and communications systems.


The Seqwater Report is expected to be considered by the Commision of Inquiry, which is scheduled to provide its Interim Report by 1 August 2011 and which will provide recommendations to be addressed prior to the next wet season.


DERM will consider the recommendations in the  Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry before responding formally to Seqwater’s Report and implementing any regulatory changes required prior to the next wet season.


Further information is available at