Dam plan input extended
The Warragamba Dam raising project EIS is now on public exhibition.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Warragamba Dam raising project for flood mitigation will remain on public exhibition until 29 November, according to WaterNSW.
The report was prepared by WaterNSW on behalf of the NSW Government, and includes a detailed assessment of the project as stipulated by the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements.
The EIS public exhibition period has been extended to 29 November to ensure the community and stakeholders have full awareness of what is proposed and an opportunity to make submissions, as part of the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment EIS assessment process.
The documents are accessible here.
Some locals have already condemned the plan, saying it would ruin towns and destroy heritage sites.
Additionally, the NSW Government has been accused of trying to avoid a major compensation bill for environmental damage from the project.