Dartmouth release to increase
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has announced that releases from Dartmouth Dam will increase from tomorrow.
Dam capacity is currently at 99 per cent, with releases through the high level outlet will enable further hydro-electric power generation. The MDBA has also announced it expects there to be significant environmental benefits for the Mitta Mitta River.
Initially, the flow at Colemans will be 1,000 ML/day from 25 October, increasing to 3,000 ML/day on 30 October. The flow will then be gradually reduced during the remainder of the week, to about 2,000 ML/day on 4 November.
The rate of rise in the river level at Colemans could be up to 150 mm/hr, with the maximum rate of fall being 30 mm/hr.
In the next few weeks, releases are planned to maintain the water level in Lake Dartmouth at about 485.4 m AHD (60 cm [40,000 ML] below full supply level) which will reduce the likelihood of flows passing over the spillway. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, the flow at Colemans is likely to remain in the range of 500–4,000 ML/day, depending on inflows to the lake.