Draft water management plan for Upper Ovens released
The Upper Ovens River Water Supply Protection Area (WSPA) Consultative Committee is seeking community comment on its draft Water Management Plan (WMP). The draft plan proposes management arrangements for groundwater and surface water licences in the Upper Ovens River WSPA and is the first to incorporate both types of water resources in the same plan.
Goulburn-Murray Water (G-MW) Acting Managing Director Shane McGrath said addressing both water sources in the same plan was a logical step because groundwater resources in the shallow alluvial aquifer are highly connected to surface water in the Upper Ovens River valley.
"In this system, use from either source impacts on all ground and surface water users, so the draft plan proposes the same rules for groundwater users as well as the users extracting surface water from the Ovens River and tributaries. The draft arrangements provide greater certainty about water access and sharing for all users," said Mr McGrath.
The draft management plan aims to strike a balance between the competing needs for water in the area, and to ensure that the environmental, social and economic benefits, which the water resources provide are not only maintained, but enhanced.
"The draft management plan is an important initiative for water management in the Upper Ovens and is the result of commitment and leadership by the Committee," Mr McGrath said.
The Chair of the Upper Ovens WSPA Consultative Committee Mr Alan Barlee explained a review of the Upper Ovens WMP is required 5 years after its implementation and this would provide an opportunity to incorporate any developments arising from the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
"The proposed Murray-Darling Basin Plan is likely to consider management at a much broader level than the draft Upper Ovens WMP, which is focused on the resources of a relatively small sub-catchment. Timeframes for implementation of the proposed Basin Plan are uncertain, and are likely to be after the Upper Ovens WMP is due to be finalised," said Mr Barlee.
The Draft Upper Ovens WMP is available at www.g-mwater.com.au . Information sessions will be held during April and feedback is required by 6 May 2011.