The Queensland Government has announced that the Floods Commission of Inquiry has issued a number of new requirements of statements from senior Government officials.


Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said her office had been notified of reuquests for further statements from the State Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Stephen Robertson, UK Trade Commission Ken Smith, DPC Director General John Bradley, DERM DG Jim Reeves and ADG Debbie Best.


The written statements must be provided under oath or affirmation to the COI by Wednesday 4pm this week and are concerned with their state of knowledge regarding the operating of Wivenhoe Dam during the time of the floods.


“I have said from the very first day that I initiated this enquiry that I wanted to leave no stone unturned and it is for that reason that I welcome the Commissioners requests for further statements,” said the Premier.


“The people of Queensland have a right to know exactly what happened and what can be done in the future to prevent it happening again.


“I expect every person who has been asked to provide information to the Commission to do so.


“I am confident that the Commission of inquiry, which as all the powers of a Royal Commission, will examine all the information available to them and provide clarity to the people of Queensland and that is exactly what they were established to do.”