Funding for textile company's wastewater recycling plant
The Victorian Government is supporting investment by Bruck Textiles in an innovative wastewater management system at the company's textile plant in Wangaratta.
Acting Premier and Minister for Regional and Rural Development Peter Ryan said the Government would contribute $2.19 million to the wastewater project with Bruck Textiles to invest the balance of the $5.87 million funding. The funding will be provided from the government’s Regional Growth Fund.
Bruck Textiles specialises in high-value, technically advanced fabrics and has invested significantly in modernising its manufacturing process.
However, the growth potential of Bruck has been inhibited in part by the large volumes of trade waste generated in the textile process and the capacity constraints at the external Wangaratta Trade Waste Treatment Plant in dealing with this waste.
"The $2.19 million Government funding will help alleviate these obstacles by allowing Bruck to treat and recycle waste water on site, reducing the volume that must be treated externally," Mr Ryan said.
"Reducing waste eliminates a bottleneck in Bruck's overall production process and will allow the company to seek out new markets and increase its manufacture of high value fabrics."
The project will enable Bruck to reduce its annual consumption of potable water by up to 106 megalitres and its annual greenhouse gas emissions by 1,292 tonnes.
Project works are scheduled to be completed by late 2013.