NT opens Water Allocation Planning for Oolloo
The Northern Territory Government has announced that Water Allocation Planning (WAP) has commenced for the Oolloo Aquifer, an underground geological formation with a number of large cavities filled with fresh water.
“During the Dry season, groundwater from the Oolloo Aquifer discharges into the Daly River through springs and seepages which keeps it flowing until the wet returns,” Territory Minister for Natural Resources and the Environment Karl Hampton said.
“The amount of water discharged from the Oolloo Aquifer into the Daly River is largely dependent upon rainfall and how much water is being extracted.
“Too much extraction from the aquifer can reduce discharge to the river and this can affect water quality and reduce habitat availability for native fish and aquatic plants.
“The draft WAP for Oolloo has been developed as a reference point for resource managers, users and the community alike.
“The development of a WAP is of vital importance to people in this region who depend on its waterresources, and is critical for the protection of natural assets which maintain environmental and Indigenous cultural values.
The plan will be in place for 10 years and includes:
- the long term sustainable limit of the aquifer;
- the volume of water that may be used each year for:
- Environment, Indigenous Cultural, Recreation and other Public Benefit Outcomes
- Rural Stock and Domestic and Other Small Volume Groundwater Uses;
- Agriculture, Aquaculture, Public water supply and Industry;
- how licence entitlements may be granted; and
- rules for water trading.
“Consultation will be open for a 12 week period, closing 4 May 2012, providing the opportunity to comment on the Draft Oolloo Aquifer Plan. The public are urged to have their say and make a contribution to achieving the best Oolloo Aquifer Water Allocation Plan possible.
Two info sessions will be held to create awareness; convey the main messages in the draft Water Allocation Plan and to invite feedback and submissions.
Community Information Sessions are being held at:
- 13 February 2012 – Katherine Civic Centre 6:30pm
- 14 February 2012 – Flemming Hall, Douglas Daly 6:30pm