The Victorian Government has announced a review of flood warnings and emergency response efforts to be undertaken in the wake of  this month’s floods. The review will be led by Mr Neil Comrie,  former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police and current Bushfires Royal Commission Interim Report Implementation Monitor.

The 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response review will examine:

  • the adequacy of flood predictions and modelling;
  • the timeliness and effectiveness of warnings and public information;
  • emergency services command and control arrangements;
  • the adequacy of evacuations of people most at-risk, including those in health and aged-care facilities;
  • the adequacy of clean-up and recovery efforts;
  • the adequacy of service delivery by federal, state and local governments; and
  • the adequacy of funding provided by state and federal governments for emergency grants.

An interim report will be submitted to the Premier by June 30 and a final report is due on December 1.