SA to conduct rural water inspections
The South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources has announced it will commence conducting rural water meter inspections and audits in the Padthaway, Keith, Willalooka, Bordertown and Mundulla areas over the coming three weeks.
Water meters have been progressively installed in the region since 2003 with approximately 4,200 water meters installed across the 28,500 square kilometre catchment area of the Lower Limestone Coast. Currently licensees who extract water in the region must install a water meter to their pumping infrastructure to enable accurate measurement of water taken each year.
Manager Customer Service and Programs, South East Nick McIntyre said that there are several reasons why obtaining accurate meter readings is important.
‘We need to obtain water use information each year so that the aggregate usage for all water licences can be compared to groundwater level monitoring data, particularly in those areas where there are higher levels of groundwater use. This information can then be used to assess the capacity of the ground water resource for ongoing management. The readings can also be used by the licensees to manage on farm water use efficiencies.’
‘We also are keen to assist licensees to achieve compliance with their licensing conditions and if necessary we can provide assistance on how to read the meters on site. Members of the local community have previously supported metering inspections and understand the importance of ensuring responsible water resource management for the region’ said Mr. McIntyre.
The Department has engaged external contractors from within the region to undertake the majority of the meter reading and auditing tasks. If licensees wish to discuss aspects of the meter reading and audit program or need assistance to read their water meters they should contact the Department on 87351134.