Tasmanian Government releases preferred option for North-East irrigation scheme
The Tasmanian Government has unveiled the preferred option for a $30.8 million irrigation scheme in the State’s North-East.
The Minister for Primary Industries and Water Bryan Green said the proposed Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme offered significant opportunities for farmers as less than half the potentially irrigable land in the district was currently being irrigated.
“This new scheme would provide a huge boost for what is a very productive region with significant areas of prime agricultural land.
“Initially, most of the new water is likely to be used to expand dairy production with the remainder going to potato and poppy farming and for livestock.
Mr Green said less than half of about 10,000 hectares of potential irrigable land was currently being irrigated.
It is planned to build a storage dam on Dunns Creek to supply 9000 megalitres of water a year to be delivered to properties via 42 km of underground pipelines and the Ringarooma river.
“As with all our irrigation projects the Upper Ringarooma scheme would be funded by State and Federal Governments in partnership with the private sector.
“The proposal is for irrigators to provide more than $10 million towards the capital cost of the project through the purchase of water entitlements.
Mr Green said a second round of expressions of interest would now be called from landholders to confirm demand for the 9,000 ML scheme. This will allow development of a full Business Case for the proposal.
“The Government wants to work with the North-East community on every opportunity that presents itself for development and this is another significant investment in the future of the region.
“Construction of the Headquarters Rd dam near Scottsdale was recently completed and work has now started on the Winnaleah Irrigation Scheme,” Mr Green said.
Mr Green said he was hopeful further irrigation projects in the North-East would also move off the drawing board such as a scheme now being planned for the Great Forester-Brid catchments.