Queensland’s Isaac Regional Council has been crowned Australia’s tap water champion for 2024. 

The council’s Glenden Scheme water treatment plant won the IXOM Best Tasting Tap Water competition, held in Hobart last week. 

Hosted by TasWater and organised by the Water Industry Operations Association of Australia (WIOA), the event featured samples judged on criteria including colour, clarity, odour, and taste, based on the Water Tasting Wheel.  

The competition allowed approximately 130 attendees to taste and vote in a blind test. 

The victory earns Isaac Regional Council the honour of representing Australia at the prestigious Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition in West Virginia, USA, in February 2025.  

This year’s contest drew fierce competition from Yarra Valley Water in Victoria, BHP’s Olympic Dam Desal Plant in South Australia, TasWater’s Fern Tree plant in Tasmania, Water Corporation’s Dalyellup plant in Western Australia, and Wingecarribee Shire Council in New South Wales/ACT.  

IXOM says the annual competition raises awareness of water quality while celebrating the achievements of water operators who ensure communities enjoy safe and high-quality drinking water year-round.

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