The Victorian Government has called on Basin communities to voice their concerns over the recently released Murray-Darling Basin plan.


The plan, released by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority last week, has drawn harsh criticism from both users and environmentalists. With conversationalists saying the 2750 GL of environmental flow per year as outlined in the draft document is insufficient to maintain the health of the system.


Victorian Water Minister Peter Walsh has called on members of Basin communities to participate in the draft's consultation plan.


"Now the draft plan has been released, there are 20 weeks where people can make submissions and attend community forums to have their say," Mr Walsh said.


"Irrigators and basin communities need to voice their concerns loud and clear, so the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) might finally get the message."


Mr Walsh expressed his concerns over the allocation of water under the plan, saying that the proposals will damage the state's food production.


"The water cuts proposed by the Authority will drastically change the state's food and fibre producing industries and the regional communities that rely on them."


Mr Walsh said the development of the draft plan so far, from communities being ignored during its development to the draft plan being leaked before its release, had been disappointing.


The draft plan can be found here


Submissions can be made here This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.