Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - October, 2019
Concern has been raised about a big agricultural company’s plans to buy up groundwater.
New dams planned for NSW
The Federal Government’s says its new billion-dollar dam package for NSW will see “bulldozers in the ground” next year.
Perth water use exceeds expectation
Despite a sharp rise in use, WA’s water minister says water-saving messages are cutting through.
Coastal map launched
Australian researchers have created the world’s first comprehensive national-scale map of marine habitats.
Cosmic sprinkler uncovered
Scientists have discovered that cosmic energy can help replenish water on asteroids.
Mangrove moves reviewed
New research has identified historical changes in mangrove and salt marsh dominance and distribution over the past 250 years.
MDBP issues laid out
NSW communities have testified about how the Murray-Darling Basin Plan has negatively impacted upon their lives.
Plastic boom plugged
A giant boom designed to scoop up floating plastic in the Pacific Ocean may have begun working.
Tech edge for water search
Helicopters slung with high-tech sensors are being sent on a water search in remote New South Wales.
Unhelpful dams counted
New research contradicts Federal Government claims that no new dams are being built.
Bleaching causes complicated
Scientists have unpicked the influences on a major coral bleaching event in 2016.
Blue carbon counted
Scientists have for the first time accurately measured the amount of carbon being absorbed and emitted by seagrass, mangroves and salt marshes - collectively known as blue carbon.
Council stuck spraying
A regional New South Wales council is spraying up to 100,000 litres of water onto roads each day.
Locals want Darling supergroup
Native title holders in far-west New South Wales have proposed a major cross-agency organisation to manage the Darling River.
Snowy Hydro EIS released
Conservationists are concerned about the latest plans for the Snowy 2.0 project.