Once again, some of the world’s smallest nations (also those under most threat from a shifting climate) are rallying together to save their land.

Media reports are slamming authorities behind Victoria’s Wonthaggi desalination plant, accusing them of waste, leaks and criminal links.

WA councils say the State Government is ignoring a clear public safety issue, by failing to help when whale carcasses wash ashore.

Some more money has been provided to fund changes to the way Kakadu National Park is managed.

One tropical council has banned future coal-seam gas projects amid fears it will affect water quality.

Dry times in NSW mean tough decisions on the way for Broken Hill, and one MP is urging “factual discussion” over “hysterical commentary”.

Monash University has undertaken a twenty-year running investigation into the health effects of the Hazelwood mine fire.

The Federal Government’s Green Army has been mobilised, and one of its first missions will see young unemployed people helping to restore the Tuggerah Lakes in New South Wales.

Five remote Queensland councils have formed a water alliance, joining forces to save money while keeping pace with changes in regulation and management.

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