Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - December, 2019
A new, $30 million water buyback is aimed at helping struggling farming families along the lower Darling River.
Fire chiefs plan summit
A group of former fire chiefs has accused the Australian government of being “asleep at the wheel” on climate policy.
Marine heat lingers
While mainland Australia swelters, the south-west is facing an almost unprecedented marine heatwave.
NTCOSS questions power/water costs
A peak welfare group has found power and water is too costly for some in NT.
Southern states reject review
Some state are refusing to help the Commonwealth review their water-sharing.
Wildlife warning for marine power
As more countries look to offshore sources for renewable energy, experts say there could be big impacts on marine life.
Bores opening in backyards
Bore water is increasingly making its way into affluent NSW communities eager to keep their lawns and gardens green.
Oil sponge shows big promise
Engineers have developed an oil-catching sponge that could help recover contamination from offshore drilling.
Adani pipe plan advanced
The Federal Government has referred Adani’s pipe plan for environmental approval without applying the federal water trigger.
CO2 scrubbing assessed
Experts have assessed the benefits and risks for marine ecosystems from carbon removal plans.
Greenland melt measured
New research shows Greenland has lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice since 1992 – enough to push global sea levels up by 10.6 millimetres.
Indigenous groups back MDBP
Indigenous groups have warned the NSW Government against scrapping the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
Sydney hit with level 2
Sydney is now on level 2 water restrictions as New South Wales continues to struggle through severe fire and drought devastation.
New site for global flows
Experts have created a high spatial resolution atlas that maps the environmental characteristics of all the globe’s rivers and catchments.
Queensland drought extends
Almost 70 per cent of Queensland is now officially in drought, with eight new declarations this week.
Russia plugs nuclear ship
Russia has suggested Australia follow its lead by building an offshore, floating nuclear reactor.
Beach access tested
A new legal challenge will test whether native title holders can claim exclusive access to Australian beaches.
Fodder water coming
A $100 million deal in South Australia will see water for fodder flow from next week.
Light shed on reef recovery
A new Great Barrier Reef study shows how the reef copes with rapid sea-level rise.