Authorities are annoyed at a Taiwanese shipping company’s sluggish efforts to pick up 81 containers it lost near Newcastle.

Details have been revealed about the plans and inner-workings of a company looking to build a big new dam complex near Darwin.

The Productivity Commission says the middle of a drought is the worst time to make drought policy.

UN advisers have expressed concerns about a plan to raise the Warragamba Dam wall in NSW.

The impacts of a changing climate are often measured via its larger inhabitants: scrawny polar bears, bleached coral, dwindling catch in fishing nets.

A final decision is on using herpes virus to control carp is still pending.

Drought and low allocations have halved this year’s cotton crop.

Councils are calling for an urgent upgrade of water storage infrastructure in NSW.

A Melbourne gardener has launched legal action against Monsanto in Australia’s first Roundup lawsuit.

A private company is planning to build a major new water storage facility and 10,000-hectare agricultural precinct near Darwin.

Coalition MP Warren Entsch is envoy to the Great Barrier Reef, but also supports massive land clearing nearby.

Restrictions are in place and urgent upgrades are planned for one of Melbourne’s largest dams.

Queensland has approved Adani's endangered bird plan, leaving it just one step away from building its contentious coal mine.

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