Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - July, 2021
The $28 million Dungog Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) is not complete.
QLD calls for green funds
Queensland has asked for $500 million in federal funding to help the Great Barrier Reef.
Tandem cells tested
Japanese researchers have combined two new technologies to obtain higher solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency.
River history re-written
Experts say new findings on the ancient history of the River Murray could impact today’s management of the system.
Allocations leading to class action
Legal action is being launched over low water allocations in QLD.
Archeologists inform Hunter operations
Water authorities have brought in archaeologists to protect and learn from the land they manage.
Fish addiction risks reviewed
A new experiment suggests fish could become addicted to the meth left by humans in waterways.
Health minister denies supplies
A 10,000-megalitre water allocation for irrigation in the NT has been revoked.
Salmon deaths obscured
Dozens of salmon mortality reports have been used to argue against the industry in Tasmania.
Warragamba claims questioned
Federal authorities have questioned the NSW government’s plan to raise the Warragamba Dam wall.