Archived Industry News for Water Professionals
Analyst joins WaterNSW board
WaterNSW, the state’s dam operator, has confirmed the appointment of Professor Catherine Bennett to its Board of Directors.
Ancient protection backed
Indigenous land and water management knowledge is being shared at a national forum.
Erosion work set for Hunter
Hunter Water has commenced significant remediation efforts to help protect the eroding river banks of the Williams River.
MDBA close up on leaders' tour
MDBA leaders have visited Barwon-Darling communities to get a close view of water management issues.
Questions asked of outgoing government
Before being rolled in an election over the weekend, the former NT Government had been facing serious calls for an investigation of its water plan approvals.
Undermined supplies studied
Experts say mining-induced damage to peatlands threatens Sydney’s water supply.
Slow cities face rapid change
Experts have assessed cities’ resilience to serious and growing threats.
Coral cover reaches record high
The Great Barrier Reef has seen an increase in coral cover, but risks still remain.
Crocs taught to avoid toads
Australian scientists are giving crocodiles a taste of deadly cane toads.
Experts model city issues
New modelling is being used to predict water catchment issues decades ahead.
Fin whale kills criticised
Japan and Iceland have reignited global controversy by approving the hunting of fin whales, the world's second-largest animal.
New funds to boost flows
Over $274 million has been committed to enhancing environmental flows in the Murray-Darling Basin.
PFAS found in Sydney supply
PFAS chemicals have been detected in Sydney’s drinking water catchments.
Report shows Basin needs
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has released its mid-year report.
Councils form quality watch
Several NSW councils have joined a new water quality monitoring initiative.
Deep sea probed for patents
The bizarre life in the deepest seas has sparked a corporate patent frenzy.
EPA finds Woodside risks
Woodside Energy's gas drilling project off Western Australia's north-west coast has been labelled “unacceptable”.