Professor Tony Haymet, a globally recognised oceanographer, chemist and entrepreneur, has been appointed as Australia’s next Chief Scientist. 

He will assume the role on 28 January 2025, succeeding Dr Cathy Foley.

Professor Haymet previously chaired the Antarctic Science Foundation and the ATSE Climate Change Working Group. He is also a Distinguished Professor, Director and Vice-Chancellor Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. 

His career includes senior leadership positions at the CSIRO and the founding of a company that manufactures in-ocean robotics.

With 177 peer-reviewed publications to his name, Professor Haymet has played a key role in advancing ocean and climate science. He also served as Chair of the Oceans Council at the World Economic Forum in 2012-13.

Minister for Industry and Science, Ed Husic, described Professor Haymet as “an outstanding Australian, who will make an exceptional Chief Scientist”. 

He highlighted Haymet’s multidisciplinary background, commercial experience and global advocacy.

“He will make a powerful advocate for our world-class science and research community,” Husic said.

Professor Haymet has described his new appointment as “the role of a lifetime”.

“Throughout my term I will be emphasising the importance of measurements, of data and scientific facts,” he said. 

He also affirmed his commitment to supporting scientists working across Australia’s diverse landscapes.

“Another thing I learnt from working across the globe, is that kilo for kilo Australian scientists and engineers match it with the very best in the world,” he said. 

The Australian Academy of Science has welcomed the appointment, with its President, Professor Chennupati Jagadish, recognising Haymet’s contributions to science, application and philanthropy. 

“The Chief Scientist is able to readily draw on the convening power of the academies to access expertise wherever it resides and in whatever field so as to inform his advice to government,” Prof Jagadish said. 

Professor Haymet will serve a three-year term. More information is available at

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