CSIRO has reported the completion of powerful modelling techniques to aim to better understand the full impact of flooding that occurs when dams collapse.

The research has been helping China’s disaster management authorities better understand the full impact of the catastrophic flooding that would occur if one of China’s biggest dams collapsed.

Working with China’s Satellite Surveying & Mapping Application Centre (SASMAC), CSIRO scientists have modelled the effects of a catastrophic failure of the massive Geheyan Dam in China’s Hubei province. They have simulated the impact of flooding on the surrounding region and its infrastructure if the dam suddenly released its 3.12 billion cubic metres of water.

Penrice Soda Holdings Ltd and General Electrics have struck a deal to provide the coal seam gas (CSG) industry with a new process to remove brine from wastewater.

The Victorian Government has announced it will be establishing a regional advisory group that will be tasked with providing input and advice into the development of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

The Federal Government has announced nearly $3.8 million in funding for Cairns Regional Council’s Water Demand Management Program for its Port Douglas and Mossman Recycled Water Scheme project.

The Federal and South Australian governments have jointly announced a $86.7 million package for a Riverine Recovery Project that  aims to improve the environmental health of the Murray River and its wetlands and floodplains from the Victorian border to Wellington, with works to start within the next two months.

The National Water Commission has released a new report, Strengthening Australia’s Water Markets, which calls on governments to improve and coordinate the operation of water markets in Australia with the aim of increasing efficiency and providing for future developments.

The $54 million Highlands Source Project has stalled after the Goulburn Mulwaree Shire Local Council has been denied access to five properties.

South Australian irrigators along the Murray are set to receive 100 per cent of their water entitlements for the first time since drought conditions severely restricted allocations in 2002.

Australia’s first Desal Discovery Centre will be unveiled in Western Australia in September, showcasing water security and desalination science to school groups, policymakers, industry and the general public.

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