Archived Industry News for Water Professionals
The South Australian Government has unveiled a new private carryover policy which will allow water access entitlement holders to manage inter-seasonal risk through a more simple system with transparent rules.
The Minister for Water and the River Murray Paul Caica said the policy was developed in consultation with irrigators and other water users.
“The private carryover arrangements were made possible when Schedule G of the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement 2008, which provides storage rights for South Australian Entitlement Flow in upstream storages, was agreed to by upstream states.”
Overhaul of NVIRP to give Victorian irrigators more say
The Victorian Government has announced an overhaul of the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project (NVIRP) connections program with the aim of giving landholders greater control over the modernisation of their irrigation systems.
Green light for Tasmanian irrigation projects
Tasmania’s biggest ever irrigation development is set to go ahead with the approval of two water projects worth $100 million in the state’s Midlands.
New chair and member of WA Water Corporation
A new chairperson and a new member to the Western Australian Water Corporation board.
SOE Report calls for federal leadership
The fourth Australia State of the Environment has been released, providing an overview of the current condition of the environment and its outlook, and calling for a strong leadership role from the Federal Government.
Funding announced for NSW irrigation efficiency projects
Four new irrigation efficiency projects in NSW funded by the Federal Government have been announced to provide an average of over 75 gigalitres to help bridge the gap to sustainable diversion limits under the final Murray Darling Basin Plan.
National CSG framework to address water management issues
Energy and resources Ministers have agreed to develop a national harmonised framework for the coal seam gas industry, and released the associated work program to deliver this framework.
WA announces water projects
The Western Australian Government has pledged $78.2 million for a suite of projects over the coming four years under the auspices of Water Provision and Natural Resource Management (NRM).
MDBA announces Mitta Mitta River pulses
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority has announced it will make pulsed releases from Dartmouth Reservoir over summer in an attempt to improve water quality in the Mitta Mitta River.
Fitzroy Basin plan released
The Queensland Government has released the Fitzroy Basin Water Resource Plan (WRP), which determines the future use of watercourses, lakes, springs, overland flow and, for the first time, groundwater.
Queensland announces wild river declarations
The Queensland Government has announced its intentions to make three Wild River declarations to enforce strict environmental protection measures in the state’s west.
Water on Mars: maybe martian microbes
Scientists from The Australian National University have found that extensive regions of the sub-surface of Mars could contain water and be at comfortable temperatures for terrestrial – and potentially martian – microbes.
ACCC issues revised guide on water termination fee rules
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued a revised guide which aims to better inform irrigators and irrigation infrastructure operators about their termination fee rights and obligations.
Tasmania opens irrigation scheme
Tasmania has completed final works and officially opened the first irrigation scheme in the state’s north-east under its irrigation development plan.
Queensland outlines Baffle Creek Basin plan
Queensland’s Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) has released a new plan for the Baffle Creek Basin area, aiming to distribute more water to users more sustainably.
Southern Rural Water launches groundwater atlas
Southern Rural Water has announced the completion of its groundwater atlas, which has been developed to provide residents of Southern Victoria with a means of developing a greater understanding of groundwater and its finite application.
Victoria urges submissions on MDBA draft plan
The Victorian Government has called on Basin communities to voice their concerns over the recently released Murray-Darling Basin plan.
MDBA releases more environmental flows
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has announced the release of a further 20GL for the Living Murray plan as part of a larger environmental watering currently underway in the Barmah–Millewa Forest icon site.
Bacteria convert wastewater chemicals into toxic form
While traces of pharmaceutical compounds are commonly present in wastewater, interactions with bacteria during the treatment process could transform them from non-toxic to toxic forms, a new study suggests.
Melbourne returns to Stage 1 restrictions
The Victorian Government has announced Melbourne will return to Stage 1 restrictions for the first time since 2006.
Government forms Commonwealth Environmental Water Office
The Federal Government has formed a Commonwealth Environmental Water Office as a distinct entity within the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities to improve accountability and stakeholder engagement in environmental water management.